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First Alliance Church Lakeland





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聯絡地址:2591 Dallas Pkwy Frisco, Texas 75034 United States

First Alliance Church Lakeland(圖1)-速報App

Our Leadership Rev. Tom Hicks Lead Pastor If you looked at my most often played list on my smart phone—you might be surprised to see that I listen to lots of Christmas music even in July. God has given me such a love for Christmas that you might see my wife Cindy and I at various functions dressed as Santa and Mrs. Claus. This is just one of the ways that God allows me to interact with children old and young and bring joy into their lives. Always having had a love for helping people, God called me to help people with their spiritual lives. I enjoy helping people discover God and then watching Him change their lives. I am married to my childhood sweetheart and best friend, Cindy. We have been together since we were 13 years old. What an awesome blessing it is to find the mate God intended for you at such an early age. Rev. Jesse Sharpe Associate Pastor, Worship I love making music and art and everything creative for God’s glory. In Psalm 66 the psalmist writes, Make his praise glorious! Working with creative people here at First Alliance is a highlight of my week. Janet and I, with our four daughters, enjoy hosting a small group and participating in the many ministries of First Alliance. We praise God that he has called us to share our lives with His family here. Andrew Simmons Assistant Pastor, Youth and Children 2015 was a year of great adventure for my amazing wife, Shannon and I. Together we moved from Ohio to Florida with our four children, Hailey, Josiah, Jude and Elijah to serve the youth and families here at First Alliance. This past February was filled with even more joy as Shannon gave birth to our brand new beautiful baby boy, Ezekiel James Benjamin Simmons. Our family loves outdoor adventures, playing on Florida’s breathtaking beaches and mission trips here in the United States and overseas. As a pastor, I am passionate about the impact of God’s word on young people’s lives and helping them to grow in a deeper relationship with Christ. I am continually reminded by Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”

First Alliance Church Lakeland(圖2)-速報App